Thursday, October 2, 2008

UG license server error in UG NX5 and NX6

Hi Friends,
One of my friends got this problem in UG license server, and asked me solution.

I am trying to install UGnx5 I keep getting the error can you help me?

Initialization error-
NX License Error: License Server node is down or not responding [-96]

What can I do? I set my environment variables to

variable name UGII_LICENSE_FILE
variable value 27000@dgkw5f64

this is in my peform enquiry

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 27000@DGKW5F64.
License file(s) on DGWW8F61.: C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 4.0\UGFLEXLM\ugnx4.lic:

DGWW8F61.: license server UP (MASTER) v10.8

Vendor daemon status (on DGKW5F64.):

uglmd: UP v10.

this also

FLEXnet Licensing error:-125,147

So friend here is solution for this.......
use env. variable like this in UG NX5 and NX6. Because the port value is changed 28000 from 27000.

variable name : UGII_LICENSE_SERVER

variable value : 28000@Computer Name

and rest license cofiguration process is same as in previous versions of UG.
For configuration process check my post
