Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Unigraphics Hot keys to increase user performance

Hi dear all,
Sometimes you can work faster with your personal computer or laptop key-board then the mouse if you know the short cut keys. Same as in the other programs CAD software's also have their hot keys. Here are the hot keys or you can say key-board short cut keys of unigraphics (UG). Hope that this will help a lot to improve your software understanding and working.

Edit-Undo List-Invalid menu entry             Ctrl+Z               UG_EDIT_UNDO                            
Edit-Cut                                      Ctrl+X               UG_EDIT_CUT                             
Edit-Copy                                      Ctrl+C               UG_EDIT_COPY                            
Edit-Paste                                    Ctrl+V               UG_EDIT_PASTE                           
Edit-Delete...                                Ctrl+D                UG_EDIT_DELETE                          
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority - Feature F UG_SEL_FEATURE_PRIORITY          
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority - Face  G UG_SEL_FACE_PRIORITY                    
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority - Body  B UG_SEL_BODY_PRIORITY                    
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority - Edge  E UG_SEL_EDGE_PRIORITY                     
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority - Component C UG_SEL_COMPONENT_PRIORITY
Edit-Selection-Select All                     Ctrl+A               UG_SEL_SELECT_ALL                       
Edit-Blank-Blank...                            Ctrl+B               UG_EDIT_BLANK_SELECTED                  
Edit-Blank-Reverse Blank All                  Ctrl+Shift+B         UG_EDIT_REVERSE_BLANK_ALL
Edit-Blank-Unblank Selected...                Ctrl+Shift+K         UG_EDIT_UNBLANK_SELECTED
Edit-Blank-Unblank All of Part                Ctrl+Shift+U         UG_EDIT_UNBLANK_ALL_OF_PART
Edit-Transform...                             Ctrl+T               UG_EDIT_TRANSFORM                        
Edit-Object Display...                        Ctrl+J               UG_EDIT_OBJECT_DISPLAY                  
View-Operation-Zoom...                        Ctrl+Shift+Z         UG_VIEW_ZOOM                            
View-Operation-Rotate...                      Ctrl+R               UG_VIEW_ROTATE                          
View-Operation-Section...                     Ctrl+H               UG_VIEW_SECTIONING                      
View-Layout-New...                             Ctrl+Shift+N         UG_LAYOUT_NEW                           
View-Layout-Open...                           Ctrl+Shift+O         UG_LAYOUT_OPEN                          
View-Layout-Fit All Views                     Ctrl+Shift+F         UG_LAYOUT_FIT_ALL_VIEWS                 
View-Visualization-High Quality Image Ctrl+Shift+H         UG_VIEW_HIGH_QUALITY_IMAGE
View-Information Window                                       F4   UG_VIEW_INFO_WINDOW
View-Current Dialog                          F3                   UG_VIEW_CURRENT_DIALOG
View-Reset Orientation                        Ctrl+F8              UG_VIEW_RESET_ORIENTATION
Format-Layer Settings...                       Ctrl+L               UG_LAYER_SETTINGS                       
Format-Visible in View...                     Ctrl+Shift+V         UG_LAYER_VIEW                           
Format-WCS-Display                                               UG_WCS_DISPLAY                          
File-New...                                   Ctrl+N               UG_FILE_NEW                             
File-Open...                                  Ctrl+O               UG_FILE_OPEN                             
File-Save                                     Ctrl+S               UG_FILE_SAVE_PART                       
File-Save As...                               Ctrl+Shift+A         UG_FILE_SAVE_AS                         
File-Plot...                                  Ctrl+P               UG_FILE_PLOT                            
File-Execute-Grip...                         Ctrl+G               UG_FILE_RUN_GRIP                        
File-Execute-Debug Grip...                     Ctrl+Shift+G         UG_FILE_RUN_GRIP_DEBUG                  
File-Execute-NX Open...                       Ctrl+U               UG_FILE_RUN_UFUN                        
Tools-Expression...                           Ctrl+E               UG_INSERT_DLEXPRESSION                  
Tools-Journal-Play...                         Alt+F8               UG_JOURNAL_PLAY                         
Tools-Journal-Edit                            Alt+F11              UG_JOURNAL_EDIT                          
Tools-Macro-Start Record...                   Ctrl+Shift+R         UG_MACRO_RECORD                         
Tools-Macro-Playback...                       Ctrl+Shift+P         UG_MACRO_PLAYBACK                       
Tools-Macro-Step...                            Ctrl+Shift+S         UG_MACRO_STEP                           
Preferences-Object...                         Ctrl+Shift+J         UG_PREFERENCES_OBJECT                   
Preferences-Selection...                      Ctrl+Shift+T         UG_PREFERENCES_SELECTION                
Information-Object...                         Ctrl+I               UG_INFO_OBJECT                          
Analysis-Curve-Refresh Curvature Graphs Ctrl+Shift+C         UG_INFO_MB_SHOW_GRAPHS                  
Application-Modeling...                       Ctrl+M               UG_APP_MODELING                         
Application-Shape Studio...                   Ctrl+Alt+S           UG_APP_STUDIO                           
Application-Drafting...                       Ctrl+Shift+D         UG_APP_DRAFTING                         
Application-Manufacturing...                   Ctrl+Alt+M           UG_APP_MANUFACTURING                    
Application-Sheet Metal-NX Sheet Metal Ctrl+Alt+N           UG_APP_SBSM                             
Application-Gateway...                        Ctrl+W               UG_APP_GATEWAY                          
Help-On Context...                           F1                   UG_HELP_ON_CONTEXT                      
If  you have any suggestion or feedback, then let us know.
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